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जम्मू और कश्मीर सरकार
Government of Jammu and Kashmir
حکومت جموں و کشمیر
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सूचना तकनीकी विभाग
Information Technology Department
انفارمیشن ٹکنالوجی محکمہ
About Us
Organisation Setup
Citizen Charter
Administrative Framework
Government Orders
Annual Plan
e-Compendium of Projects
Major Projects
RTI Act 2005
Notice Board
Contact Us
Important Links
Shri Manoj Sinha
Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor
Sh. Satish Sharma
Hon'ble Minister.
Information Technology Department
Sh.Saurabh Bhagat (IAS)
Commissioner /Secretary to Govt.
Information Technology Department
Govt Orders
Notice Board
Designation of First Appellate Authority (FAA) in the Information Technology Department.(25-03-2025)
Request for Nomination of Grievance Appellate Authority.(03-03-2025)
Implementation of E-Vidhan, a Mission Mode Project (MMP) of Government of India.(05-02-2025)
Seamless working of e -office application.(04-02-2025)
3rd Phase of Capacity Building Scheme - Appointment of Nodal Officer thereof.(20-01-2025)
Digital Governance and Data Management Programme organized by NeGD at IIM Calcutta - Nomination of officer thereof.(16-01-2025)
Proposed VVIP visit to Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.(09-01-2025)
Assignment of Additional Duties.(18-12-2024)
Establishment of the ' Chief Minister's Public services and Outreach office' in the Chief Minister's Secretariat -Constitution of a Team thereof.(06-12-2024)
Constitution of Technical Appraisal Committee for Vetting the draft DPR Specifically with regard to IT enablement projects.(25-11-2024)
Jammu & Kashmir Communication & Connectivity Infrastructure Policy (JKCCIP) Amendment Thereof.(25-10-2024)
Constitution Of Technical Appraisal Committee for Upgradation of LAN /WAN infrastructure in Pollution Control Committee.(10-10-2024)
Constitution of Committee -Amendment thereof.(07-10-2024)
Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2019 Appointment of Complaint Officer -thereof.(26-09-2024)
Migration of e Office instance from J&K State Data Centre to NIC/ NICSI cloud .(26-09-2024)
Appointment of Deputy Chief Information Security Officer .(19-09-2024)
4th National Conference of Chief Secretaries - regarding.(28-08-2024)
4th National Conference of Chief Secretaries - regarding.(23-08-2024)
27th National Conference on e-Governance to be held at Mumbai on 3rd-4th September,2024- Deputation of Officers thereof.(22-08-2024)
Constitution of Committee.(07-08-2024)
Constitution of Committee.(07-08-2024)
Constitution of Committee to oversee and monitor network connectivity issues.(05-08-2024)
Constitution of Departmental Review Committee.(28-06-2024)
Training program on "Application of AI/ML" to be held in Vishakhapatnam on 8th & 9th August, 2024 - Nomination of officer.(28-06-2024)
Training program on "Managing contracts and procurement " scheduled to be held in Srinagar on 23rd & 24th July, 2024 - Nomination of officer.(28-06-2024)
Thana Diwas on Ist July 2024 -Launch of three new criminal laws - Nomination of Nodal Officer thereof.(27-06-2024)
Providing Technical assistance on IT related aspects - constitution of committee thereof.(26-06-2024)
Visit of VVIP to the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir - Nomination of Nodal Officer thereof.(15-06-2024)
Auto Appeal System in e - Services - Nomination of Nodal Officer thereof.(13-06-2024)
Constitution of Technical Appraisal Committee for Vetting Of DPR for the project - Development of RDA portal.(07-06-2024)
Designation of Central Assistant Public Information Officer under RTI Act, 2005 in Information Technology Department.(03-06-2024)
Constitution of Internal Committee in terms of SO. 324 dated 22.10.2020 in Information Technology Department. (30-05-2024)
Constitution of Technical Appraisal Committee for vetting of RFP document for outsourcing and centralized printing of Driving Licenses (DLs) and Certificates of Registration(RCs) in the UT of J&K. (30-05-2024)
National Stakeholder Workshop on the Ethics of AI"- Deputation of Officer thereof. (28-05-2024)
Nomination of Nodal Officer for Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor's Grievance Cell. (15-05-2024)
Constitution of Technical Teams for development of Online services of the departments by using Service Plus platform. (14-05-2024)
Constitution of Technical Teams for development of Online services of the departments by using Service Plus platform. (06-05-2024)
Nomination of Grievance Redressal Officer for Persons with Disabilities and maintenance of register of complaints as per RPWD Act 2016 and rules there under. (06-05-2024)
Designation of Officer of the UT as the Administrative Nodal Point- Nomination of Officer thereof. (29-04-2024)
Implementation of e- procurement policy - Nomination of Primary users for GeM thereof. (23-04-2024)
Jammu and Kashmir Communication and Connectivity Infrastructure Policy (JKCCIP) - Amendment thereof. (22-04-2024)
Implementation of Gram Krishi Mausam Seva (GKMS) Scheme - Nomination of Nodal Officer. (15-04-2024)
"Portal Manager" in respect of https://jktenders.gov.in - Nomination of Nodal Officer. (15-04-2024)
India AI Mission - Workshop on Use of AI in public Service Delivery Deputation of Officer thereof. (01-04-2024)
Viksit Bharat @2047- Nomination of Nodal Officer. (01-04-2024)
Inviting nominations for " Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) deep drive training under Cyber Surakshit Bharat Initiative of MeitY "- Deputation of Officer thereof. (28-03-2024)
3rd Phase of Capacity Building Scheme -Appointment of Nodal Officer thereof. (28-03-2024)
Constitution of Technical Appraisal Committee for Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) Solution. (28-03-2024)
Identification of departments and areas under the purview of State Government/UT for mandatory cyber security audits - Nomination of Point of Contact (PoC). (06-03-2024)
Designate and notify Nodal Officer to Handle Unlawful content /information /activities in Cyber Space , as per the provisions of the act / law administered by the appropriate government. (29-02-2024)
Proposed visit of VVIP to the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir- Deputation of Officers to Kashmir. (29-02-2024)
Designation of First Appellate Authority (FAA) under RTI Act,2005 in the Information Technology Department. (27-02-2024)
Proposed visit of VVIP to the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. (27-02-2024)
Deputation of Ms. Anuradha Gupta , JKAS, Chief Executive Officer, Jammu and Kashmir e- Governance Agency to New Delhi. (23-02-2024)
Regarding Use of Mobile SEVA during VVIP Visit in Jammu and Kashmir. (16-02-2024)
Deputation of Mr. Syed Ajaz , Consultant, SeMT, Information Technology Department to New Delhi. (16-02-2024)
Proposed visit of VVIP to the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir- Assignment of duties thereof. (15-02-2024)
Non-functioning of State Data Centre/ e- office application - Enquiry thereof. (06-02-2024)
Constitution of Technical Appraisal Committee for the project "e-Beat book system for J&K police". (12-01-2024)
Constitution of Technical Appraisal Committee for vetting of the Specification of ICT Labs and Smart Classroom for School Education Department. (02-01-2024)
Grant of Earned Leave in favour of Mr. Ajay Bharti Senior Stenographer , Information Technology Department. (01-01-2024)
Grant of " Leave Travel Concession (LTC)" in favour of Mr. Ajay Bharti Senior Stenographer , Information Technology Departmen. (01-01-2024)
corrigendum to Government Order No. 08-JK(ITD) of 2023 Dated: 25.01.2023. (01-01-2024)
Implementation of of e-procurement policy- Nomination of Secondary Buyers for GeM.(22-12-2023)
Setting up of Video Wall in Civil Secretariat Jammu and Srinagar for displaying dashboards.(07-11-2023)
Online Portal for Regular Departmental Action cases against public servants - Nomination of Nodal Office thereon Reference:- No.GAD-VIGORDA/116/2023-04-GAD(7294623) dated 19.09.2023, from General Administration Department.(05-10-2023)
Implemention of e-procurement policy.(27-09-2023)
Accord of Administrative Approval to the project Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS).(14-07-2023)
Hiring of Manpower from NICSI empaneled agencies / Vendors- Constitution of Committee , thereof.(04-07-2023)
Constitution of Committee for updation of the data on NeSDA portal- Modification thereof.(04-07-2023)
Constitution of Technical Appraisal Committee for Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) Solution.(03-07-2023)
Extension of DVDMS contract with M/s C-DAC for 01-04-2023 to 31-03-2023.(21-06-2023)
Advisory Committee for Software Development Unit.(20-06-2023)
Accord of Administrative Approval for Selection of Third -Party Auditor (TPA) for the Audit of Jammu & Kashmir State Data Centre (JKSDC) & other IT Projects.(05-06-2023)
Committee for AI/ML initiatives in the UT of J&K.(02-06-2023)
Deputation of Mr. Ajay Sharma, JKAS, Under Secretary to the Government to New Delhi.(29-05-2023)
Conducting of Meetings of Standing Executive Board (SEB) in Jammu & Kashmir Nomination of Officer thereof.(23-05-2023)
Celebration of World Telecom Day-Deputation of Officer thereof.(15-05-2023)
On-boarding / uptake of online services on Auto -Appeal System of Serviceplus - constitution of core committee, thereof.(10-05-2023)
Nodal officer/SPOC for G-20 Summit at Srinagar.(04-05-2023)
National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment (NeSDA) 2023.(03-05-2023)
Deputation Dr. Rajinder Kumar Khajuria, JKAS, Additional Secretary to the Government (CISO), Information Technology Department to New Delhi.(02-05-2023)
Hiring of Manpower from NICSI empanelled agencies / Vendors - constitution of committee, thereof.(02-05-2023)
Standardization of Forms for e - services/ e-applications-Nomination of Member-Secretary from Information Technology Department.(28-04-2023)
Jammu & Kashmir Communication & Connectivity Infrastructure Policy (JKCCIP)-(Infrastructure Safety) Rules,2023.(24-04-2023)
Addendum to Government Order No. 51-JK(ITD) of 2022 dated 13-02-2022.(13-02-2022)
National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment (NeSDA) 2023.(12-04-2023)
Meeting with the IT Secretaries from States and UTs -Deputation in favour of Mr. Abhishek Sharma, IAS,CEO,JaKeGA.(11-04-2023)
Nomination of Liaison Officer to follow release of CSS funds in concerned ministries in Government of India.(10-04-2023)
Jammu & Kashmir Communication & Connectivity Infrastructure Policy (JKCCIP) - Amendment thereof.(25-03-2023)
Sanction for Hiring of Resources for JKmygov through GeM.(14-03-2023)
Regional Conference on "Good Governance Practices".(03-03-23).
Setting up of dedicated IT Cell in the Information Technology Department - Withdrawal of Govt. Order No. 66-JK(ITD) of 2022 dated 19-10-2022 thereof.(28-02-23).
Constitution of Technical Appraisal Committee for "SITC of LED video wall with 03 camera setup in the Auditorium of SKICC, Srinagar".(22-02-23).
Nomination of Nodal Officer for Hon'ble for Hon'ble Lieutenant Governors Grievance Cell.(21-02-23).
Constitution of Committee for Alert Note submitted by Anti Corruption Bureau.(15-02-23).
Jammu & Kashmir Communication & Connectivity Infrastructure Policy (JKCCIP) - Amendment thereof.(13-02-23).
Regarding introduction of Mahila Samman Saving Certificate (MSSC), Scheme introduced in Department of Posts by Ministry of Finance exclusively for females.(03-05-23)
Mandating the use of CBud " Call Before u Dig" application in UT of J&K.(25-03-23)
Yoga Break (Y- Break) Protocol/App- regarding.(14-03-23)
Registered Telemarketers, (RTMs) using approved Headers and Message Templates on Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) Platform.(10-03-23)
Inquiry Report in respect of Fire incident at Civil Secretariat Jammu.(02-03-23)
IT initiatives -Status Report.(09-01-23)
Migration of e-office v.5.6 to e-office v.7.x organising of training sessions thereof.(28-09-22)
Rollout of e-Office version 7.x in UT of J&K - regarding.(22-09-22)
Efficient & Speedy disposal of files in Information Technology Department.(31-08-22)
"Har Ghar Jhanda" Programme - Circular therof.(10-08-22)
"Digital Jammu & Kashmir Week, 2022 w.e.f 25th July, 2022, directions thereof..(26-07-22)
Digital Jammu & Kashmir Week, 2022 w.e.f 25th July, 2022.(23-07-22)
Launch of Service Desk portal for registration of complaints related to e-Office - Instruction thereof. (15-02-22)
Implementation of e-Office at Administrative Secretary/HoD/DC office level and monitoring thereof. (10-02-22)
Digitization / Scanning of files of HoD offices/organizations working outside of Civil Secretariat for switching to e-Office regarding. (04-02-22)
Digitization / Scanning of files of Move Offices/organisations working outside the Civil Secretariat for switching over to e-office - regarding. (31-01-22)
Implementation of e-Office - Integration of Parichay and Version update thereof. (06-10-21)
Implementation of e-Office - Security Advisory for Let's Encrypt Certificate Expiry Update thereof. (05-10-21)
Implementation of e-Office - Security Advisory thereof. (30-09-21)
Training of Master Trainers for effective working of e-Office in Civil Secretariat, Jammu/Srinagar. (30-06-21).
e-Office User Manual.
e-Office Training for users of J&K Legislative Assembly
Training of users for smooth implementation of e-Office
Booking of Air Tickets on Government Account.
Service charges for doorstep delivery of Online Services.
Notification for Rates for delivery of Services through Physical Assisted Counters - CSC etc.
e-Office downtime w.e.f 22-09-2022 to 26-09-2022 for up-Gradation to new Version 7.x and its migration on new IT infrastructure.
e-Office downtime w.e.f 7:00 PM on 25-08-2022 till 11:00 PM on 28-08-2022.
Scheduled Prevention Maintenance at J&K Data Centre w.e.f 8:00 PM on 19-02-2022 till 08:00PM on 20-02-22.
Notification - IT Services dated 16-06-2021.
Tender Notice for WiFi at Civil Secretariat, Jammu
RFP for WiFi at Civil Secretariat, Jammu
Extension in date of submission of online bids for Digitisation of Files/Records of Civil Secretariat, J&K.
Extension in date of submission of online bids for Digitisation of Files/Records of Civil Secretariat, J&K.
Extension in date of submission of online bids for Digitisation of Files/Records of Civil Secretariat, J&K.
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